Happy Sunday morning to all of my readers on PST, and happy day or night to the rest of you beautiful people. How is everyone doing? This is not rhetorical. I really want to know. Drop something in the comments. Text me. DM me. Email me. Send me a postcard by messenger pigeon. Connect with me.

Working from home is truly tits, you guys. I love not having to commute, getting to spend more time with my dogs, using downtime to get things done, and not having to allocate hours of time to getting ready. I do, however, miss making connections with the people I work with. I have close friends from all of the jobs I’ve ever had, but since the pandemic I haven’t made a single lasting work friendship and I’m sad about it.

Zoom is the only portal to my work environment and it’s so impersonal. It also doesn’t happen very frequently. I miss going to work and exchanging good mornings, seeing the same familiar faces, bonding over how much we love/hate certain things about the job, and actually stepping away from the job for lunch without feeling like I’m doing something wrong.

I have the option of going into the office, but that’s not the answer. Lol.

Last year I interviewed a woman named Christina Arzate about her experiences in the dating world. We laughed about how people’s dating profiles have to be “chill” in order to get attention. You can’t let on that you want something serious because it might scare some people away. I told her that her profile should be ultra real. If she’s looking for a long term commitment, she should share that with people. Sure, she might match with less folks, but they’ll be the right folks.

So in the spirit of that honestly, let me say that I am here seeking human connection. Creatively I like to write, I like to podcast, and I like to make videos, but the end goal is always to connect with people on a personal level. I want to help facilitate human emotion. Laughter. Tears. Deep thought. Reflection. I want more than just surface level conversation. I want meaningful connection. I am starving for it, and I’ll bet I’m not alone in this.

My therapist recently encouraged me to think about the people in my life who really allow me to show up as myself. No bullshit. No keeping up appearances. Just me. Saying fuck a lot. Smoking a joint. Laughing loudly. Dancing when I feel like dancing. Drinking. Not drinking. Talking about veganism, and then apologizing if I went too far. Showing pictures of my dogs. Crying. Needing a hug. Laughing again. Being honest about feeling anxious. Not being super bubbly if I’m not feeling bubbly. Just being.

So if you’ve ever wanted to reach out to me, or anyone else in your life, and you’ve hesitated because you think I’m too busy or some other such reason – reach out anyway. Text your friends. Text your family. Remind the people you love that you love them. Just keep the connection going. Cause we need each other. And that’s okay.

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